Mammals, like Canines, Swine, Leporidae have increasingly become utilized as biomedical research models in the last two decades. This increased use as an animal model is not only a result of regulatory pressure on other large animal species, but also because they are recognized as a suitable animal model for human disease based upon their comparative anatomy and physiology. Those mammals are used as general surgical models of most organs and systems for cardiovascular research including atherosclerosis, for digestive system models, and in recent years in transplantation and xenografic research. They are being explored as models in many other systems because of the widespread availability of both domestic and miniature breeds. Together with this increase in the number of animal model in research, technical developments in surgery, anesthesia, husbandry and handling techniques. These technical advancements have made it easier to use this species in research and have also improved the humane care and use of animal by research institutions worldwide.
Background Reference: www.nal.usda.gov.
All mammals, like dog, pig and rabbit are derived from healthy laboratory Canines, Swine and Leporidae that have not been inoculated with or exposed to any livestock and/or poultry diseased agents’ exotic to human. The material was derived only from laboratory mammals that did not originate from a facility where work with exotic disease agents affecting livestock or avian species is conducted.
The cells are Non-Infectious, Non-Hazardous and for In vitro researches use only. Not for any clinical, therapeutic, or diagnostic use in humans or animals. Not for animal or human consumption.